joi, 16 septembrie 2010


NERO, suflet de caine

In lumea asta plina de minciuna, fariseim si ura
Mi-ai fost, prieten drag si far de grai,
Un numar mult prea mic de ani ca trai,
Printre putinii ce-ai stiut s-ofere o sincera caldura.

De cand un ghemotoc cu blana in casa te-am adus,
Cand te-am certat sau cand cu cate-un os eu te-am sedus
In ochii tai ce m-au privit mereu intrebatori
Intrezaream prietenia si credinta ta din anii viitori.

Acum, ca ai plecat, spre-o lume mult mai buna, sper,
Resimt adanc absenta ta prieten bun, dar efemer,
Si fiecare pas ce-l fac ma face sa-nteleg ca nu e leac,
Ma uit in juru-mi, doar poate te revad, apoi te plang si tac.

De unde esti acum, si daca poti privi spre mine
Am rugamintea sa ma ierti, asa cum tu stii cel mai bine,
Daca in toti acesti ani fost-am cumva nedrept cu tine
Sau daca am ranit cumva dragostea ta fata de mine.

Adio, drag si neuitat in veci, al meu prieten devotat si bun!
Inlacrimat si-ndurerat te-am insotit pe ultimul tau drum
Si-o parte a omenescului meu suflet te va-nsoti de-acum
Oriunde te-ai afla, prieten cu al tau suflet iubitor si bun.

© Belizarie

NERO, dog heart
In this world full of lying, hypocritical and hate
I were you, dear friend and beacon of speech,
Too small a number of years living
Among the few that you know they offer a sincere warmth.

Since a mop of hair in the house I brought,
When I fought or how many a bone when I seduced me
In your eyes as I looked I always ask
Loom friendship and your faith in the coming years.

Now that you left for a much better world, hope,
Your absence deeply felt good friend, but ephemeral
And every step you make me do it to understand it's not medicine,
I look Juru I only can see you, then you cry and quiet.

Where are you now, and if you look at me
We kindly ask you to forgive me, as you know best,
If all of these years have been somewhat unfair to you
Or if I hurt your love to me.

Farewell, dear and memorable forever, loyal and good friend of mine!
tears and I accompanied on your last journey
And part of my soul humanity will accompany the now-
Wherever you are, your friend with the good and loving soul.

                                                         © Belizarie                                                                 


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